5 Babysitting Crafts
I babysit two boys ages 8 & 10. The 10 year old is not fond of crafts, but the 8 year old loves crafts especially animals here are just a few easy crafts to do!!
My favorite crafts..... Paper Plates!!!!
Not My Favorite, But the Kids Favorite!
1) Homemade Slime. Very messy. It involved glue, liquid starch, and food colors. But really easy to make and keeps them entertained for awhile. Great for all ages!!!
2)Foot and Hand print gifts. Their parents love coming home to a handmade gift from their kiddos, but the only downfall is paint can be messy and is the only way to really make hand and foot prints.
That's just a few crafts to get you started tune back in for more crafts soon!
My favorite crafts..... Paper Plates!!!!
1) Paper plate snails. They are so easy to make just grab Elmer's glue, extra bracelet beads, construction paper, and of course your paper plate. The pipe cleaners and googly eyes are completely optional, they can easily be made with paper and markers.
2)Paper plate sharks. The shark is so cute and even more simple then the snail. Just need blue or black construction paper cut into fin shapes, glue to glue those on, a blue or black marker, and even paper plates.
3)Paper plate snakes. The most interactive one, they are easy to play with and make. You really just need to decorate the plain plate with whatever material paint, markers, or paper, and then just cut it in a circle to look like a snake. And bam a homemade toy!!
1) Homemade Slime. Very messy. It involved glue, liquid starch, and food colors. But really easy to make and keeps them entertained for awhile. Great for all ages!!!
2)Foot and Hand print gifts. Their parents love coming home to a handmade gift from their kiddos, but the only downfall is paint can be messy and is the only way to really make hand and foot prints.
That's just a few crafts to get you started tune back in for more crafts soon!
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