Blogging On My Book

For my AP English class my blog this week is to blog on my book or a chapter of my book that I have been reading this week. My book I am reading is "Their Eyes Were Watching God" by Zora Hurston. 

I have blogged on this book before and had a severely hard time understanding what was going on in this piece. I'm definitely not a fan of the language, and my reading partner (my mother)is not a fan of it either. This week I have read past chapter 6.

In chapter six we further get to explore Janie and Joe's relationship. I'd first like to share with my readers who these characters are. Janie is the main character of the piece, it's in third person limited because the narrator does give insight to her feelings and ideas. In the beginning we start in the present and then the preceding chapters go to tell her past and we get an insight into the relationships she's had and why she has led to be alone. Joe is Janie's second husband who is reliant on male dominance.

Looking into this piece I do not like Joe, mainly because he is mean. I get the sense in chapter 6 that they are arguing frequently. On pages 62 and 63 in my book its just back and forth short snippy dialogue between the two. They seem to be arguing about something very silly. She is saying, "Who don't love tuh laugh and play." Then Joe responds, and he responds with a long response which is a lot to retype onto here but some things he said is, "It makes me sad sometimes and then agin it makes me mad," and "Ah won't laugh jus' tuh did-incourage 'em." This shows a lot about his character as a person. I see that Joe is not lighthearted, or simple, or even genuine. He infact seems miserable the idea of laughing and playing makes him sad, mad, and he doesn't laugh because he knows it'll make people keep laughing. But in my opinion it feels great to just let it out and laugh, to be myself, to relax and have fun. Joe is the complete opposite of that, his response proves his cruel and conceited personality, and even controlling over anything.

Now look at those highlighted quotes that I took from the book. Each quote has specific word choice such as tuh, agin, and jus'. Those words make this piece absolutely difficult and boring to read. I have a hard time understanding because of the word choice. And another thought as I retyped those quotes the red squiggly lines go under to say those words aren't spelled correctly, and it also took a lot of time to look back and forth at the word because I didn't know how to spell incorrect words. But how many red squiggles do you think were on the authors screen when she was typing? Haha, probably a lot! I've always liked grammar so I hate reading messed up words. I am not one of those texters that use "u or ur" I get so irritated those aren't words, and neither is agin!!!! 

Besides my frustration with the language lets get back on track and talk about chapter 6! My favorite/ least favorite part of the chapter is the ending when Janie stands up for women (yay girl power) but gets turned down by her awful husband. That man truly is horrible, but it works for the time period. Men were considered "superior" but I hate that and I am glad I wasn't born in that time period because men shouldn't think they are better than women.

In chapter 6 the reader really gets to see the character of Janie. She presents herself so strongly. She's a brave, courageous woman. She may be disrespected several times by Joe in this passage, but that doesn't keep her down, or keep her from getting up and trying again. She keeps to herself and stays hopeful. In this chapter I am motivated by Janie to be as careless to others behaviors and staying true to herself and her dreams no matter the circumstances.

Hey Blog Partner (Jess), what is your favorite chapter so far and why? 


  1. It's not misspelled so much as ZNH wants the reader to "hear" the voice of her characters in their local vernacular (words).

  2. Yes they are spelled incorrectly so you can hear how they would sound talking. I know you are a perfectionist so that was probably hard for you haha. I struggled with the dialogue as well but eventually got the hang of it and was able to recognize what words they were using. Again I feel like your vocab has improved tremendously. I mean this in the most loving way, I was kind of surprised about your vocab being so well because you don't like to read, and reading is a great way to improve your vocab. So good job on that! I agree with you on Joe, I did not like him as well but then again it was because of the time period. But I feel there is more than that as well, I don't know if you picked up on the simile of Joe being like a little emperor, as he is carried away for his funeral. There also is a scene where Janie is described like a jewel, these details also elaborate on how Joe is possessive and views Janie as a possession versus a person to love. I also had mixed feelings about Tea Cup which you will see later in the book. My favorite part of the book was in chapter 2 when the narrator is describing Janie and the pear tree. This symbolizes Janie's blossom into womanhood and represents a sexual liberation. I found the detailing beautiful and it reminds us the innocence of being young and our pure thoughts on love. My other favorite part was the end, which hopefully we can discuss on Wednesday haha.


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