Free Choice Blog- Life Update

For my AP English class I am required to complete a set of 7 blogs for the 4th quarter and this quarter one of the 7 choices is a free choice to write about anything I'd like. I'm glad we have a free choice because my mind is full.

I'd first like to discuss that it is the end of my senior year. THE END. It feels like yesterday I was sitting in my third grade classroom waiting for the clock to speed up, and now I kind of wish it would slow down. It's crazy how many times people ask me, "Are you ready to graduate?" and most of the time I don't know how to respond. I don't know if I'm ready to graduate honestly. There's one half of my body that's saying yay no more early mornings, no more dramatic girls that you don't want to deal with, no more stupid dress code or rules, and no more busy work. But the other half of me is going ugh no adulting, paying for everything, college, meeting new people, doing new things, and working everyday. I'm not ready for that. I'm 17 years old I don't want to pay for everything and have my life completely turned around. Although there is positives to graduating there's a lot of negatives to it too. I look at all of these people that I've known since I was 5 all going our separate ways, never talking or seeing each other again, and pursuing a doing different things. The past 12 years we've done the same classes, lived in the same area, known the same people, and had most of the same opportunities. But now we all get to do something different and find ourselves. But if you were to ask me if I was ready to graduate I would say, "Yeah so I don't have to come to school, but no because then I have to pay for everything." I hate the idea of growing up, I wish I could be the child that I am forever. But I am looking forward to being done with school in fact I have a count down. From today there are 59 real days until graduation (May 18), but with spring break and a trip to Texas for BPA I have about 29 school days left. It's not a lot of days but it sure feels like it. I am excited for graduation and a summer full of graduation parties. This is going to be one of the bittersweet moments in life and I'm a roller coaster of emotional already and the day hasn't come.

Spring break is next week and it's a much needed break because I can barely bring myself to wake up in the morning for school. I am going to Cherokee, North Carolina for a day and then going to Gatlinburg to stay in a Cabin until Monday the 2nd. I love going on Easter egg hunts so the Easter bunny better not disappoint. The weather better be warm too!!

That's my little life update for you. I also have prom coming up, dance competitions (I compete a tap solo), continuing to work at Olive Garden, and many other graduation/senior events. This spring will be very eventful!! HAVE A GREAT DAY TO WHOEVER IS READING THIS!

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  1. I feel the same way you do about graduating. Although I think you have more of you life together than I do haha. I liked when you wrote I have one half of my body saying one thing and another half of my body saying this. It was probably relieving to get you stresses out and be able to vent about it. I also like how you include pictures in your blog.


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