Community Read Progress #1

For our AP English blog we were told to chart our progress for our book we are reading. The book I am reading is Their Eyes Are Watching God  by Zora Neale Hurston. We are allowed to chart our progress for this book twice, so I will start now and then probably do another one when I have finished the novel to go back and answer any questions I may have had before.

I currently am on page 39/193 pages in my book which is also chapter 5. I feel as though I may be getting out of the introduction phase of Janie's life and kind of getting to experience more of her life and inching towards the climax of the piece.

What just last happened in the book was she left the man who she had never actually loved and then married the next man right away. She fell for the new man Joe quite quickly maybe it's the color of his skin that led her more towards him. I am actually quite confused with this piece and the advice that her grandmother is giving her to live by because she is very contradictory and the language of this book is really hard to follow. My main question is what the skin color of each characters are?

Grandmother, Mother, and Father:
What color is the skin of the people she came from? Are all the skin colors the same from her inheritance or does she have a combined skin color? I just met with a friend that says she thinks the mother and grandmother come from the African American skin tones, where the father who had raped Janie's mother was a white man. I sort of thought the same idea but opposite but I wasn't really sure. I thought the grandmother and mother were white, where the rapist had been an African American. So any help on what color the skin the characters are would be very helpful. But I feel that the grandmother and mother are white because the grandmother kept pushing that she marry and white man so I figured she wanted her to marry someone with the same color as them, considering that her father is absent in this marriage.

Considering the above statement is true that her mother and father are two different skin colors it would realistically be that she is of mixed skin color, but my main question is really what skin colors each of her parents were.

I am confused on what color he is. I believe he is a dark colored skin but that goes against what her grandmother had been telling her to do (to marry a white man). Is he actually dark skinned? If so, then why did she choose him if he isn't what her grandmother requested, or if she didn't love him?

I believe Joe is dark skinned as well.

So maybe I read this piece wrong that her grandmother never did say to go after a white man. I am having a lot of trouble understanding this piece. I think I may just read spark notes up to the point I have read to, to find a little bit more about each character just because I am having a really hard time figuring this out.

I personally kind of regret choosing this book to do our community read project on just because I have had so much trouble understanding everything going on. The hardest part to understand is the language because they have really bad grammar. So to help my understanding I talk in a country accent, because I feel country accented people usually don't have the best grammar.

Please if you have any information that could help my understanding please leave a comment, and thank you if you do!


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