Story Time- My First Real Christmas Tree

After 16 years of my life of having a fake Christmas tree, my family decided that our new house we should now get a real Christmas tree. I had always wanted one. I wanted to be like the families in the movies that have a tradition to cut down a tree. We loved the idea to go get a big tall Christmas tree because of the two story living room we now have. So all four of us my mom dad brother and I all jumped into my moms SUV and went to the Corsi Tree Farm. When we got there the first thing I saw was the dog there. He was so cute his name was rocko he walked in front of us the entire time and stopped at the biggest section of trees. It was so cute he was smart enough to know which trees we wanted. We spent 30 min probably playing with the dog, and another 30 min picking out our tree. 

We found something we didn’t like about every tree. It felt like there were so many trees that kept getting turned down because our high standards. Then we found a perfectly proportional tree! Once it was cut we noticed one of the sides had lots of dead branches on the bottom but it would easily be cut. The worker drove to us with his gator and hauled our tree back to our car because we walked a far distance and it would’ve been horrible to drag the tree all the way back. By the time we reached our car the worker had tied our once puffy tree into a tightly compacted stick looking tree. I was amazed I was like “wow it’s so small now.” Then my brother and dad strapped it onto the car while I walked around because I’m not much of a helper when it comes to lifting things. I said goodbye to rocko and we were on our way. But with my family the whole car ride was full of jokes about our Christmas tree flying off the top, luckily it didn’t.

When we got it up a few days later my mother and I screwed in the bolts on the tree stand. My brother and dad both work night shifts so my mom and I decorated it ourselves. I stood in the windowsill on one side of the tree and my mother stood on a ladder on the other side. We put the lights on by throwing the strands around the tree because the tree is so wide. Then when it came to our garlin we didn’t have nearly enough because we usually have a 7ft tree that isn’t very wide rather than an 11ft tree that’s super wide. So we just draped the tree garlin on the front part of the tree, but you can’t see the back because it’s in the corner. Our ornaments are all the Hallmark brand ornaments and most of them sing. They all come in boxes so every year my mom takes them out of the box and I put them on the tree. Plus these ornaments are fairly heavy compared to the basic glass ornaments that most families use. When it came to putting the ornaments on the tree some branches are stronger than others, so most of the ornaments slid right off the branches. It took forever to find all the strong branches, I was getting so mad at our tree. I kept saying “this was the worst idea ever.” In the end the tree got up and the ornaments got on and it was all fine and dandy. Then we realized one strand of lights was out and we even checked before we put them on the tree, but we just left it. 

A few days later I woke up to lights on downstairs, and I was really confused because nobody gets up at the time I do for school. And when I walked outside my room this was my view. 

Our Christmas tree fell in the middle of the night! What a tragedy. I was so upset. So I ran to my moms room to wake her up to come help. We got a new stand for the tree that night to have a stronger hold on the tree. A couple presents got smashed and the ground was soaked from the water in the tree. But that left us back at the drawing boards. We had to redecorate the tree what a pain.

We got it redecorated and took the strand of lights off that didn’t work. Now we hope a pray that it stays up for the rest of the holiday season!!


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